We could’ve had Nina in DC if not for some corporate Dem’s wounded ego. It’s almost like we should work on healing egos instead of fracturing them with culture wars and id pol unless… That’s the point of culture wars and id pol. 🤷♀️ 💡
We could’ve had Nina in DC if not for some corporate Dem’s wounded ego. It’s almost like we should work on healing egos instead of fracturing them with culture wars and id pol unless… That’s the point of culture wars and id pol. 🤷♀️ 💡
Thanks so much, I appreciate your respect and return it! If you’re native English speaker, do you remember how to diagram sentences? If not, do you remember every from every class you’ve taken? Photographic memory allows for that, but even people with that gift forget things. My point is, it gives us a loose framework. Variable changes affect data, and if we’re living in a lab, some variables aren’t controlled for, we can’t even be aware of every variable (Einstein’s spookiness? Not sure, I have to go back and look, later). Or how “ethers” became gasses. Or demon possession became mental illness, but we still say we’re fighting our demons. Sorry, I should be working so this is rushed.
I see it like a puzzle on a tabletop, but there’s not room for the completed puzzle and all the pieces spread at once, so some being left in the boxtop. Generally, people find and place border pieces first, then put more pieces from the bottom on the table to fit into place. And I’m imperfect so there’s that.
My personal perspective is we forget because doing the right things for the wrong reasons, hoping for punishment or reward, is wrong. And also because variables change over time, so the lessons can’t be presented in the same way. For instance the difference between common core multiplication and memorizing the tables.
Or another example, the periodic tables contain n elements at one time, x elements another.
So even if I remember the periodic tables from when I learned it (I don’t!), they’ve changed in the decades since, so my knowledge is incomplete. Assuming I had the physical, mental, financial and material capacity to become a physicist, should I choose, I have a lot to relearn, unlearn, and learn new things, additionally. And that’s just this lifetime.
I appreciate your non-hostile inquiry style. Thanks so much. Btw these things don’t require God. It’s just an allegorical tool. Just like communism has many approaches and corruptions as there are minds to conceive them, so too religions. Even Buddhism and Taoism.
Well there’s been more written, but you have to seek it. “If you seek me withall your heart, soul, mind, you will find me.” It’s usually in other religions or what we would call the occult. And people showed us and are still showing us, but people read one thing or a few and dismiss it because we are so conditioned to the box, we have a hard time understanding parables. For instance, people think astrology and tarot refer to externals. They refer to internals. I’ve been trying to learn for decades and only am just beginning to see differently! And I was dragged to some of the most hateful churches as a child. So I had a grudge for a long time. That was my choice. Now I don’t. Btw religion is about the internal, too. And you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. And the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; for such there is no law.
You’re catching on! Humans call it heresy. Don’t blame that on God. Btw the command wasn’t not to have other gods, it was to not put them before the most high (exalted) God. Who that is depends on who you are. And who I am!
Again, we’re not meant to take everything literally and that’s why Jesus taught in parables. Here’s what you can take literally, “the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”
In a past life, you lit the fires at witch-burnings and gleefully hitched up people’s limbs to horses! Embrace it!
You don’t think the Church and canonical religion is political? Lol
Eta, so you’re not okay with straying outside accepted bounds with one religion, but are with another? ROFL.
And you’re allowed to believe what you will, so am I. This is strictly within the confines of God, not politics. Btw, afaict, the “God machine” is what Leon also believes. Apparently we’re almost there. It doesn’t seem to be working out better than ancient religions, from where I stand.
This subject is religion, and if you choose to believe what churches and politicians, usually one and the same, are telling you based on partial truths, that’s your free will.
No it isn’t. We may have to repeat lessons for a few lifetimes though. And everyone dies. We’re not meant to live forever.
I was like this for decades. Then I went hunting. When I made peace with myself, I made peace with God. that means it took looking in the mirror, and still does.
You’re not familiar with a lot because churches and politicians occulted this information. It’s in the whole Bible (you can find the Ethiopian Bible in English online but there are mistranslations so you have to go to the Jewish and hermetic kabbalah and other sources to find them. Also I already referred to Psalm 82, wrt God.
Btw, Alan Watts addressed some of this in The Book (on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are). If you can be bothered.
So we’re given the means to solve these tests. When we learn to work together to solve them, rather than “punishing” each other, we get closer to solving them. Disasters happen, whether natural or man-made. We either work together or we don’t. Test time.
We did that. It’s our mess to clean up.
Oh, but I never voted for that politician! Did we do anything besides vote and clicktivism?
They’re all true and all not true. Each culture given the appropriate teachers at the appropriate time for the appropriate lessons. Five is five, until it’s 5.2.
A parent can easily do their children’s homework. How does that benefit the kids? A passing mark doesn’t mean the kid understands and the lessons don’t get easier.
Asking someone already in the kingdom is no different than asking someone without the kingdom to intercede on our behalf. Also God has 72 names in our tradition, millions in others.
Yep. That’s addressed in books the Council left out.
Almost as of by design of corporate overlords and billionaires. Almost as of billions of dollars and collective hate can’t fill the emptiness. Almost as if we should focus on healing everyone’s (including billionaires ')wounded inner child schisms and social divides may start healing. Maybe