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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2024


  • I referred to the council of nicea. The Ethiopian in English is complete but with mistranslations. Tesla Tsela meaning rib or side, was translated by Greek and Roman translators as “rib (like a boat hull)” but there is plenty of rabbinical discussion whether atom was androgynous or hermaphrodite. The consensus is androgyne. But as the universe and God holds both yin and yang (masculine/feminine) energies, so do we. Find a positive pole without a negative one. And feminine is more like 0 in binary code. So nonbinary and gender fluid are entirely godly. Just maybe not when you’re trying to go from a small tribe to a nation (incomplete perspective). If we’re not evolving, we’re dead. And evolution means mutation.

    I have to get going. Religiophilo is fun. We need more liberal arts studies. Stem is yang, lib art is yin. It takes both to be complete.

    *Autocorrect is fun x_x

  • Angels were created as perfect servants who obey all commands without free will

    Then why did Lucifer fall? You have to have the texts left out.

    Angels were created of fire (stars) passion. Man of earth, matter. Yhwh told the angels to bow and worship man, they refused, thinking they were better (double slit experiment). And we’re still hung up on this lesson. We haven’t figured out how to do breathairisnism yet. And when we do, we will have to figure out how to breathe a substance that doesn’t contain microbes. Or you know, return to being stars.

    “We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”

  • Thanks so much, I appreciate your respect and return it! If you’re native English speaker, do you remember how to diagram sentences? If not, do you remember every from every class you’ve taken? Photographic memory allows for that, but even people with that gift forget things. My point is, it gives us a loose framework. Variable changes affect data, and if we’re living in a lab, some variables aren’t controlled for, we can’t even be aware of every variable (Einstein’s spookiness? Not sure, I have to go back and look, later). Or how “ethers” became gasses. Or demon possession became mental illness, but we still say we’re fighting our demons. Sorry, I should be working so this is rushed.

    I see it like a puzzle on a tabletop, but there’s not room for the completed puzzle and all the pieces spread at once, so some being left in the boxtop. Generally, people find and place border pieces first, then put more pieces from the bottom on the table to fit into place. And I’m imperfect so there’s that.

  • My personal perspective is we forget because doing the right things for the wrong reasons, hoping for punishment or reward, is wrong. And also because variables change over time, so the lessons can’t be presented in the same way. For instance the difference between common core multiplication and memorizing the tables.

    Or another example, the periodic tables contain n elements at one time, x elements another.

    So even if I remember the periodic tables from when I learned it (I don’t!), they’ve changed in the decades since, so my knowledge is incomplete. Assuming I had the physical, mental, financial and material capacity to become a physicist, should I choose, I have a lot to relearn, unlearn, and learn new things, additionally. And that’s just this lifetime.

    I appreciate your non-hostile inquiry style. Thanks so much. Btw these things don’t require God. It’s just an allegorical tool. Just like communism has many approaches and corruptions as there are minds to conceive them, so too religions. Even Buddhism and Taoism.

  • Well there’s been more written, but you have to seek it. “If you seek me withall your heart, soul, mind, you will find me.” It’s usually in other religions or what we would call the occult. And people showed us and are still showing us, but people read one thing or a few and dismiss it because we are so conditioned to the box, we have a hard time understanding parables. For instance, people think astrology and tarot refer to externals. They refer to internals. I’ve been trying to learn for decades and only am just beginning to see differently! And I was dragged to some of the most hateful churches as a child. So I had a grudge for a long time. That was my choice. Now I don’t. Btw religion is about the internal, too. And you can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. And the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; for such there is no law.