Do fish think of water just as little as we think of the air? edit: changed a g to a k
Do fish think of water just as little as we think of the air? edit: changed a g to a k
Came here to say something like this. Its clear that we will not get anything that benefits the real citizens.
Fine by me. Can it be over today?
No corporation has ever been anything other than a dictatorship. They are the least democratic of institutions. Why do people think any differently?
The thing about the puritans were that they had harsh rules that existed to try to keep their flock from sinning. They failed as such things always fail.
A good example of a common practice from the time was that part of the pay of a young man working on another mans farm was the bed of their eldest daughter at night. It made identifying the father of the child easier.
This one practice alone made the puritans a lot more rational than this current cancer on society.
Gen Z is the most cringe since the boomers. Your shit is breaking down into farts.