Audentes Fortuna Iuvat

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2024


  • I remember it so clearly man… The morning of October 15 2025, a Wednesday as I recall. People were warned but they didn’t listen. They don’t ever listen.

    I’ll never forget the screaming. Millions of Windows 10 computers just spontaneously exploding all over the place. Women, children and men with beards running down the streets of every city just trying to avoid the thousands of computers being thrown from the tops of buildings. The world was never the same after that. I found an abandoned bus in the chaos so I tried to save as many people as I could. We rode into the night towards the hills. Away from the cities and the looting and chaos.

    Or you know… it just means no updates and we’ll all probably be fine.

  • Microbial diversity in relation to space travel seems like such a huge issue to think about but no one talks about it that much it seems. I’ve been thinking recently that the most dangerous thing about any aliens making first contact by just landing in a field somewhere would be the pathogens we would exchange immediately. It’s the pivotal moment in War of the Worlds, for instance, and I can’t see any way to avoid it. I did suddenly realise recently, talking about that movie, that although everyone was completely on board with the aliens dying from our bugs, no one questioned why their bugs didn’t kill us too?