One could argue it already is - mainly on a soft power level. Now that Ursula has chopped the chains off the war chest we can get back the hard power as well. I feel very good about this, it’s rare to feel optimistic about the way your country and union is going…
Somehow the complexity of using Lemmy compared to other social media sites and the decentralized nature of it has really gotten rid of the trollfarms and bot spam to a pretty good extent. I realize now that Reddit has such an insane amount of bad-faith actors that cause the site to be so toxic, same with all other mainstream social media.
It’s insane to me that somehow free speech has been successfully twisted into a dog whistle to basically just spread disinformation, actively call for extermination of minority groups and openly attack and threaten other people. That shit is not free speech those are malicious actions - and they should absolutely not be tolerated under some vague guise of free speech.
That is the reason why I gotta just trust that the people running the country and EU know what they are doing.
I am in Finland and I really do trust we are doing what we need to, our defense forces and government is very shush shush regarding defense, every government and defense outlet was adamant that we weren’t joining NATO until the foreign minister and president announced the move. At least in a country of 5 million we are really thinking of each other here. Let’s just hope that is the case for the rest of the EU and the overall union.
Slava Ukraini