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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • I think it’s oblique to what you said:

    I think that it’s actually cultural-narcissism based, and I’m saying that as a person who discovered that class-narcissism is a cultural-narcissism, at the end of a 25-day hard-line-fast to crack an obstacle in my unconscious-mind…

    Cultural-narcissism seems to be a root-rabies in … all? … I think so … of our cultures.

    All the “it isn’t G-D that is The Only Savior, it is OUR RELIGION that is The Only Savior” narcissisms are examples of cultural-narcissism…

    but the US of A made narcissism into its banner, to some extent…

    & I think that that, itself, betrayed your culture, & certainly your people…

    Remember what the TV-footage of people in the US was like, after Sept 11, 2001?

    All the people wearing “superhero” outfits?

    Their unconscious-minds asserting through the outfit they were wearing that reality wasn’t allowed to treat them as mere-humans?

    Their symbol-outfit, or symbol-culture, was supposed to be sufficient?

    They were supposed to be inherently immune?

    I think it was one of the most-blatent expressions of unconscious-mind’s delusion-about-non-equality in recent history.

    & I think that ALL national-narcissisms are doing the same thing, in different ways…

    I think cultural-narcissism knifes-in-the-back the country it grows-in, inevitably.

    “The world doesn’t need us” Hoomin, the world needs good people, no matter what country you’re in.

    The world doesn’t need machiavellian nationalism, not ANYone’s, right?

    But the world NEEDS good people, now, everywhere.

    & we need to not break or give-up, until we win…

    no matter how many decades this takes.

    _ /\ _

  • Trump needs to smash/possess both Canada & Greenland for the simple reason that to crush/destroy the EU, in a pincer, with Putin, the staging-ground is required.

    Canadians would be either slaughtered, enslaved, or whatever.

    The US is going to declare war on Canada in 2-2.5y.

    The world has changed.

    Relying on assumed-entitlement & making-believing, as the US’s Democrats did, is suicide.

    I hope that Zelenskiy isn’t as foolishly-trusting/naive as “it’s all just maga bots yapping” is, xor Ukranians are going to lose much more, permanently.

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  • Security is ALWAYS contextual: in the current global mess??

    Yes, Japan NEEDS to go nuclear.

    Probably within 3y, possibly as little as 2, China will have the US rampaging on “NATO”, with Putin, backing that as much as it can, from the shadows…

    but it will be taking-advantage of the absence-of-NATO to be rampaging/smashing/possessing all of Asia that it can.

    Including Japan.

    Arm TO THE TEETH, IMMEDIATELY, & fight to the death, exactly as Canada needs to do.

    The US only needs to smash Canada & Greenland so as to be able to destroy Europe in a pincer, between Trump & Putin.

    The world’s “game” is not even on the same “board” as it was, last year.


    HAVE the means of forcing your own survival.

    Please don’t obliterate yourselves, the way the Democratic-party did within the US of A.

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  • in all cases?

    I knew a guy who got tweens hooked on crack, for fun…

    He’s dead, now, but sometimes one has to wonder if there shouldn’t be more-immediate, harsher, enforcement, for some crimes…

    ( I’m considering the difference between clean-room principles, vs actual-on-the-ground situations, involving real fucked-up-human-reality: sometimes harsh correction seems to be required.

    I know that now there are people who are not allowed to leave prison because they’re too-much threat to the population, in some places…

    also, it depends on one’s culture, doesn’t it?

    In the West, maybe some drugs are culturally OK, & others are not…

    & in other cultures, the configuration is different…

    We seriously hold that Western moral-assumptions are universal, still?

    Has our “White ego” or “British Empire ego”, or whatever it ought be called, still so much “centrality” that it cannot understand self-determination of other-cultures?

    I’m only using the British Empire example because it was the empire before the US Empire, btw.

    I hold that executing people for drug-trafficking is daft … but then I read about the gang-ruled portions of Mexico … and wonder … how can trafficking be dis-entangled from all the other-crimes involved in organized-crime?? )

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  • haven’t read that article: nobody’s identifying the root point, & I don’t expect that to change…

    From what I can see, Hamas intentionally sacrificed the Palestinians so that the sadism/nihilism of Netanyahu’s “Israel” would focus such absolute-hatred among the region, that Israel’s “deterrent” would cease to exist:

    IF Israel’s military-violence-threat motivates the region to hold-back, THEN the region is deterred.


    IF Israel’s genociding convinces the entire region that it doesn’t matter what Israel does to them, they HAVE TO annihilate Israel…

    THEN … there’s no “deterrent” left, is there?

    That is Hamas’s strategy, whether it was unconscious or conscious: they used Palestine’s lives as bait, & Israel’s ideological-rabies took the bait.

    Now, it’ll only be a few years more, before that inevitable action->reaction happens, when the absolute-annihilation-of-Israel happens, no matter what the cost…

    I can’t possibly “side with” either: ideological genociding isn’t valid, either way, & worshipping one’s own religion-regime, instead of just surrendering to LivingSpirit, isn’t sane ( but is absolutely normal, on this planet, for millenia ).

    All I can do is recommend that real Jews get as far away from Israel as possible, before the inevitable annihilation happens, & hope that the Palestinians can get out & find safety somewhere else, because Trump certainly doesn’t value their lives…

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  • kreskin, I’m with you.

    There is a Buddhist prayer that one NOT incarnate as any sort of “king” or such,

    simply because the more authority one has, & the greater the political-consequences of one’s decisions,

    the more likely it becomes that no matter what one decides, one HAS to cause mortal-harm on some people … & being Buddhist, the praying-one doesn’t want that karma…

    Biden, in my eyes, waaay crossed the line, in supporting Netanyahu…

    but the more I know, the more I understand, the less clean this whole damn planet is, politically…

    it’s beginning to look, to me, like it isn’t even possible to do ANYthing, in the world-stage, that actually is “clean”…

    I saw a wonderful informing piece, on yt, a few weeks ago, on the mess that is DR Congo & Rwanda, etc…

    it’s the Middle East of Africa!

    … shit … it’s one of the Middle Easts of Africa, more like ( wish I’d clued-in about that before just-now )

    I think part of the problem is lack of resets:

    IF we just keep continuing relationships, supportings, etc, without RE-assessing whether this is valid, THEN we end-up inevitably committing accessory-to-evil, as Biden did with backing Netanyahu, in my eyes, & many others’ too…

    So, … who’s going to allow such periodic objective re-assessments to happen?

    ANY of the incumbents likely to tolerate being seen to be criminal?

    XOR will they simply snuff the people who’d threaten accountability?

    Sometimes, when entrenched-evil really is involved, not-rocking-the-boat means being allowed to live longer…

    Ah: the periodic reassessment is required, AND some incumbents would literally murder any who dare threaten with accountability, BUT that doesn’t mean that all incumbents cannot be made accountable, only the most-evil…

    so, some can be pruned-back, in their power…

    an interesting challenge!

    How to make accountability objectively on all who wield power, equally, & how to gradually ratchet this up until accountability & responsibility & authority are all unitary, instead-of divorced-from-each-other?

    _ /\ _

  • Last century I read part of a CIA manual on operating in foreign-countries…

    it insisted that doing things through local-organized-crime was ideal, as

    • they get the blame/credit
    • everything is deniable
    • it can be run as a profitable operation
    • none of “our” people ( I’m Canadian, not US-ian ) get front-line risks
    • etc…

    So, Russia & the US both use the same manual then?

    Who’s the Good Guys, if everybody is doing this, this way??

    Machiavellianism wins, doesn’t it?

    Unfortunately, yes, it does.

    I happen to want NONmachiavellianism winning, permanently, from now on.

    got no traction, for that, though…

    not yet, anyways…

    maybe if we dig-in, & work, & work, & work, for years, maybe future-generations can have the world we could have made…

    _ /\ _

  • The US is going to be declaring war on Canada in less than 3y:

    The reason that Trump “needs” Greenland & Canada is as a staging-ground for the pincer he needs, with Putin’s Russia, to butcher woke Europe between.

    Unless Canada capitulates, then he can’t destroy Europe as he wants to.

    Therefore, if Canada stands its ground, what Russia did to Ukraine, … the US is going to be doing to Canada, beginning in 2 to 2.5y.

    I hope we arm to the teeth, & I hope we fight to the death.

    I pray you survive your own country’s rabies, & surviving it may actually require you to flee your country.

    I don’t expect Trump to tolerate any non-Trump-worshippers in the coming years…

    I’ve got the feeling that any US citizens whom we turn-away, as refugees, from the Trump-cult-country, … we’re executing, … simply by forcing to remain within the US for the inevitable political-SS to exterminate, in the coming years…

    Please keep in mind that getting out before it’s too-late is required, as a survivor of Auschwitcz pointed out…

    By the time they realized it was too-late, … it was too late.

    DON’T delay as they did, in the Netherlands. ( the documentary “Anne Frank Remembered” iirc )

    I guess humankind’s unconscious-mind wanted the “drama” of enforcing this throughout our world, now…

    I wonder what tiny fraction of humankind’s going to be surviving this-century…

    No matter: IF the LivingSpirit-loyal people survive, then the world will flourish, again: Nature’s amazing at healing, when honestly helped…

    _ /\ _

  • Dood, I now am certain that the US is going to declare WAR on Canada, in less than 3y, simply because only by possessing both Canada & Greenland, can Trump & Putin have the pincer they want to butcher the hated woke EU between.

    We’re going to be dying in this war, & it’ll last several years, before 1 side falls, I expect ( it is entirely-possible for the US to fall before Canada, simply through its own Civil War Part2 gutting it, internally ).

    ( capitulation of Canada means butchery/slavery, nothing better, so this had better be a fight-to-the-death, in our government’s view: I don’t want them selling us out! )

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  • Not only “in the region”, but EVERYwhere.

    The real reason that Trump wants Canada and Greenland is so that between Putin & him they can crush the EU in a pincer.

    They want to be the ONLY “kings” ruling the world.

    I expect to see the US declare total WAR against Canada in less than 3y.

    All the meddling that their CIA did to adulterate our elections, through the years, & now this…

    ( the CIA admitted it adulterated our elections, to prevent socialism from having strength in our country: they undermined the NDP consistently, apparently, for years, “if” they ever stopped…

    I’ve no particular love for the NDP, though Jack Layton was the most passionate about Canada leader at the top of the federal parties, for many years, but … doesn’t integrity mean ANYthing, to ANYbody, in the international political realm?? )

    _ /\ _

  • There is the problem of “elections”, however: dictators have this … habit … of having “elections” which produce the officially-desired results…

    I remember that election in the Phillipines, when a Marcos got elected…

    NO Western “journalism” reported on it, from what I could see, but after the variability of the 1st few polls, reporting in, suddenly ALL the polling-stations were reporting 2/3rds for Marcos, always…

    NO population votes that way.

    I pray Hungary can get clear of him, XOR I pray that the EU can evict Hungary, as Orban’s a Putin-ally within the EU, & that’s suicidal, now.

    PS: thank you for linking to a good information-source for Hungary, for us…

    _ /\ _

  • May your civil-rights side win, but…

    Erdogan did an aweful lot of machiavellian siding-with-Putin-siding-against-Putin, re Ukraine, and if he’s capable of doing that machiavellian stuff, between those sides, he’s likely more dangerous than people give him credit for…

    Further, if he’s got the help or backing of the Putin+Trump tag-team, or the new Global Fascist Alliance, then … that too would be fatal to many citizens, in the future, probably…

    I’m remembering a discovery when Germany reunited…

    it turned-out that more than 50% of the population was informants, in order to ingratiate themselves with the ruling-authorities…

    Please be careful: our world is going to hell on a sled, now, & the speed is picking-up…

    Please be careful, & all success I wish the civil-rights loyal people of Turkey, & all countries, … these are going to be difficult decades, until our world sorts itself out, & human-nature is force-transformed into honestly-grown-up nature…

    _ /\ _

  • the 1st thing that Trump did, in his 1st term, was remove the market-protective legislation that Obama had put in-place, to prevent a 2nd financial-crisis.

    & with Trump & Putin working on dividing & butchering the Western world, there isn’t going to be any “status quo” from now on.

    I expect Trump to declare outright war on Canada in less than 3y, & to see people die because Canada is going to be the “new Ukraine”.


    Because IF Trump can possess both Canada & Greenland, THEN he & Putin can DESTROY the woke EU, together.

    “take a decade to return to normal” is believing-in an economic-regime which is … in the process of falling out a window, same as protesters & dissidents do, in Russia.

    10y from now, I believe both Putin & Trump will have fallen, but WW3 will be on, as they will have butchered the West sooo completely, that the rest of BRICS will be unable to let the opportunity just walk by, so they’ll simply launch everything against the butchered-West, & hope to win the war.

    Actually, I expect that will be going on by 2032, so less than 10y…

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