Looks like a lone poster could use some help at…
Looks like a lone poster could use some help at…
See to me America is a slang word. It’s used to mock and degrade. Fucking 'murica. It does not get the power you all seem to have given it. That’s been lost long ago and only propped for the last several decades by the constant barrage of American exceptionalism from your ever present media telling us all what to think. America is like a curse word here. It’s used with vitriol now though it used to be used with mocking humor.
Now please go fight your elected fascist dictator before we all have to.
So I am preparing my kids for no dad, even though I and my family had no say in the outcome of your citizens decisions and they get away with it cause they’re poor and no one wants to help organize or teach them because you all couldn’t be bothered. Gotcha.
The apologists are as bad if not worse than the instigators. Find a way.
Only one problem…America is not a continent. Though they may try to make you believe it is.
As a Canadian, No I definitely mean 'murica.
deleted by creator
Ok. Point taken. I am disabled since extreme cancer a decade ago. I’m 50 years old. My 5 person family lives on less than what is considered extreme poverty for a single person in my province. Yet here we are preparing as best we can to fight back and organizing to resist an economic and possible military invasion that is completely unwarranted and based on many outright lies from a neighboring country who’s own people will not stand up to the tyranny they face daily. Why? because…oh my god…they have to go to work.
This involves me dusting off old skills as a paramedic and restocking all my kit. I don’t have money for that but here I am…doing it. I loaded rounds for the .303, a new lighter stock is on the way and when it gets here I will alter it so I can carry again. The garden is going in earlier in case I have to leave. Food storage is getting built even bigger. Everything American is getting wiped from our electronics and cupboards. The kids are learning things at 10 years old they shouldn’t have to ever learn and they’re doing it while missing out on lots of things they’re accustomed to and in some cases even need because we need to prepare to stand up for those who won’t or can’t.
Quit the fucking excuses and stand up already. If I can manage you can too.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m sitting here in Canada preparing for the unthinkable because the citizens of the country closest to us in every way can’t be bothered to take a day off work or get from behind the screen. Need apathy? If you haven’t noticed they’re full on into it for decades already.
Where’s the picture of the protests in America?
…Oh yea…
Barn or tree swallow?
This happens to me as well. It’s a bit annoying but I still prefer it over others.