I’m pretty happy with Voyager. It’s not perfect but it’s good
I’m pretty happy with Voyager. It’s not perfect but it’s good
You can never trust Big Number.
They keep trying to make laws without going through Congress or the Senate.
This is a boomer ass take
So what?
Construction companies can just leave their broken shit around because it’s inconvenient to their bottom line to clean it?
Look, I hate ICE cars too.
But this is whack. Putting a running car into a garage is dangerous because the free oxygen becomes depleted and it starts producing carbon monoxide as a result. This isn’t a problem when you’re driving around outdoors.
The reason the a running ICE car in a garage is dangerous is completely different than why ICE cars are bad for the environment.
Like, shit on ICE cars all you want, I’ll support it. But this is embarrassingly bad science. This is the kind of shit I’d have made up in grade 7 trying to an edgy eco-aware statement.
Today in things that never happened: whatever the fuck this post is.
Nobody liked Biden.
Did you get offended because someone argued for critical support in the absence of choice??? You’re acting like a butthurt baby.
I only see one title and one post body; what happens if 3 people share the same link but with 3 different titles and description bodies?
Do they get merged, does one get arbitrarily selected, or does this only work on posts with identical link+title+body?