Yes. That’s public agent.
Yes. That’s public agent.
I speak Swedish from Finland. Similar variation as Sweden’s Eurovision entry.
I enjoyed my time with our newborn, but it’s no vacation. I took 4.5 months of paternity leave in a row.
Sweden is pretty generous with parental leave. Me and the Mrs get 480 days to share between us. 390 of which are at some 80% of our salary. The other 90 days pay peanuts, but great to have when you need some time off to get started with preschool and stuff. You have 90 days earmarked for yourself that can’t be transferred to the other parent.
At 5 days a week those 480 days last two years.
I’ve tried some of scopely’s games. They’re following this playbook to the letter.
You’ll be getting freebies when your friends spend cash. You’ll get time limited offers. You’ll be paying to “try again”, against other players.
Who wins when a wall street broker and an oil sheikh use their wallets to fight over a Pokémon gym? Scopely wins.
Don’t forget that a door mat that says “welcome” counts as consent.
Fun fact! Most of us don’t love our jobs. We just do them to have a roof over our heads and food on our tables.