Was sollen sie machen, die meisten Haushalte wandern durch eine CGNAT (teilen sich die selbe IPv4 Addresse).
Ein Limit setzen. Gibt ja keinen Haushalt mit 100000+ Mitgliedern.
Was sollen sie machen, die meisten Haushalte wandern durch eine CGNAT (teilen sich die selbe IPv4 Addresse).
Ein Limit setzen. Gibt ja keinen Haushalt mit 100000+ Mitgliedern.
Eine erste, hausinterne Recherche zeigt nun, dass 253.000 der abgegebenen Stimmen von nur zwei IP-Adressen in den USA stammen.
Kein großartiges Umfragesystem das scheinbar beliebig viele Stimmen von der selben IP Adresse erlaubt.
I have sweatpants from Trigema that are pretty good. I’ve also seen the jeans from Varusteleka (Finnish, made in EU) being recommended a few times, though I haven’t bought any yet.
40 hours but actually less than that when you exclude activities like getting coffee or answering questions on AskLemmy. Software development.
I speak a kind of wild mix of British English and American English. Like my pronunciation is probably closer to British but I’ll also use some American terms, like “sidewalk” instead of “pavement”. I guess it could be considered a variety of Euro English.
I speak standard (German) German, with a slight dialect of my region.
Then why does the Github linked on its website say it requires the Gemini API?
Mistral has an API.
Hosting their code on Github and using (Google’s) Gemini AI to identify products. Yeah I’m not sure about this one.
Michael MJD: Retro tech youtuber with a very calming voice and video style. Often installs operating systems on unusual devices.
Techmoan: Tech youtuber focused on old audio equipment.
Ashens: British Youtuber, who has been reviewing mostly poundshop tat and occasionally other random items in front of a brown sofa since 2006.
Geowizard: British Youtuber who does online Geography quizzes like Geoguessr and sometimes goes on adventures. The former part is probably more relevant to your question, though even his adventures have a nice, calm narration and music (that he wrote himself).
The Trek Planner: Finds interesting spots on Google Earth and hikes there, usually in the deserts of the Western US. Videos are usually more focused on the journey than the destination, so there will always be lots of nice views of nature. Honorable mention also to Desert Drifter, who did similar videos but unfortunately passed away recently.
If you live in the EU, you could try a GDPR request to delete your account and then create a new one.
Ich bin zugegebenermaßen kein Netzwerkexperte, aber eine CGNAT die zwischen hunderttausenden Nutzer geteilt wird wäre mir neu. Kurze Recherche zeigt dass das bei Vodafone z.b. maximal 60 Nutzer sein können.