They want to privatize schools too. They are morons whom probably drank to much lead as kids.
They want to privatize schools too. They are morons whom probably drank to much lead as kids.
I agree. I am was just talking about a hypothetical privatized postal co. It is a service. Imagine how many people would send Christmas cards at $10 a card.
If I was put in charge of a privatized Post Office I 'd start by stopping regular mail service and focus on packages. Just not profitable enough.
The path is through AoC and Bernie. While I appreciate Pritzker’s seemingly well-intentioned efforts he’s part of the elites and can get fucked.
He may be one of the elites, but he has been doing much more to fight for working class workers than many/most politicians even in the Democratic party right now. I agree AOC and Bernie are great, but that doesn’t mean they can do it themselves alone.
Must have been a hard choice between a picture of Putin or Trump. on which trump would like better.