“Good news! It was just a mild sprain!”
“What’s the bad news?”
“Your advanced AIDS is making the rabies even more difficult to treat.”
“Good news! It was just a mild sprain!”
“What’s the bad news?”
“Your advanced AIDS is making the rabies even more difficult to treat.”
…would have made a whip and negotiated with profiteers the old-fashioned way.
Everybody cheer! Nevermind why we have one in the first place.
Not only that, but I bet she got a pizza party in her honor and they only charged employees $5 per slice!
Dystopian? They’ve briefly averted the orphan crushing machine! It’s cause for celebration!
I enjoy each item individually, so that’s how I sometimes eat it, like a chicken dinner with waffles for dessert.
Morley and you! The smarter combination.
How obscene. Imagine being forced to see tits when you’re just trying to post the N-word.
Are we talking about Twitter or Truth Social? Its so hard to keep track these days.
Congress is aware. That’s why they abdicated their responsibility to the Supreme Court.
You’re still functionally correct.
When money is speech, speech is not free.
Thankfully, there aren’t any ads here. Just the thought of it stresses me out, and when I get stressed out, I reach for a Morley cigarette to keep my cool. The toasted tobacco and asbestos filter make for a smoother smoke, which soothes the throat. 9 out of 10 anti-ad, Fediverse, activists choose Morleys to keep up their pep and vigor in the fight against advertisement.
I’ve often thought there should be an element of Groundhog Day to Heck. So what did you do to end up here?
Okay, I get it now. Yeah, that’s pretty gross. You’d be a good heck demon. Are they called demons? Seems like it should be something more boring.
I said, “Heck” as in the mildly bad place and not the sub-basement of the lowest circle of hell.
Nice! I’m still working on that one.
For me, it was deciding that water is my primary beverage and all others are rare treats or supplements. I only use water to address thirst specifically. If I need electrolytes for some reason, I just use hydration salts. I feel a lot better and it saves a bit of money. The dental hygiene aspect is a plus, too. I file caffeinated drinks under supplements and save them for an emergency boost when I need it.