Over the 15+ years that we’ve had crypto, there have been only two viable uses. All others have failed:
Criminal activity (including brutal stuff like enabling NK/Russia and drug cartels) Financial speculation (in of itself often a malicious activity where the goal is to dump your worthless bags on a mark)
Huh, Weird… Every use I’ve ever used crypto for doesn’t fall into these two categories. So I guess your assumptions and thus everything you based your logic/responses on must be faulty and incorrect.
I use Crypto much like I use my second language/citizenship. Rarely… However, that doesn’t mean I don’t use it legally. And simply holding onto the crypto != financial speculation. Nobody treats a savings account as “financial speculation”.
I’ve paid for plenty of things from my crypto wallets. Ranging from several to thousands of dollars.
And yes, I would like my payment for toilet paper and bell peppers to be private. Strictly for the fact that I don’t want Mega-corpo stores to be able to track and advertise to me based on my payment method. “Club cards” to advertise/track you are a thing. Large chains can do this same thing with payment methods details. So yes, being “real” here, I not only require it, but demand it.
Your premise is bad. And based on your other responses you don’t care to address it at all.
So then you claim that being able to buy stuff isn’t a “mass scale” use case…
You realize that’s fucking stupid right?
As I said, I can and do buy things regularly (though “rare” comparatively with the normal fiat purchases) with crypto. Other’s can do with me as well as the sites that I do it on do it as well. I can prove that by looking at the block chain and seeing the traffic in their wallets.
So “way to go man!” Unless you actually have something more meaningful than “nuh uh”. You’re kind of full of shit.
Edit: Lack of “big” vendors doing it != not possible at mass scale.
Dell at one point accepted crypto. They stopped because of regulation, not because of technical limitation. And sites like Newegg still accept it.