As I say in another comment, I just start over from scratch and it works with the first try.
Thx everyone for pointing me through its easier than thought.
As I say in another comment, I just start over from scratch and it works with the first try.
Thx everyone for pointing me through its easier than thought.
It was an auth error all the time. Today I decided to start from scratch. And it works with the first try. I bet I had some Linux permission quirks.
I tried out the signal bridge just to see if there is something completely wrong. I just needed 10 min. and signal bridge worked.
Late answer, I was ill. I really got a QR code but if I scan it with telegram it says invalid token.
Silenced chats, yes. I try this.
Yes, Pfannkuchen (which means exactly pancake). But only in west Germany. East call them Eierkuchen. (Eggcake)
Kaka is babyslang for shit in germany.
Yes sure but login does nothing the bot says it needs the confirmation code from telegram but telegram doesn’t send a notification like anytime if you login from a new device. I thought that’s the part they removed in 2023.
I thought I misunderstood here something, the guide says it needs the api data. (I have this part already) but maybe I don’t get the confirmation code like normally maybe it got send to the api?
Yes, I read it. But this is really unspecific. Login into the mobile client? Which one? Telegram? How do I login from there? This is not enough information. So I thought someone managed to get further.
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Ja, ich sage meinen Kids und Enkeln: “Sorry, wir mussten Stärke zeigen.”
Gegen Waffen helfen nur noch mehr Waffen ist halt so eine Logik des Grauens.
Welche Lösung? Das wir versuchen wollen den Planeten zu retten mit 500 Milliarden Militärausgaben?
Sorry nimm es mir nicht krumm, aber so sieht es aus wenn grün auch mal von Links angegriffen wird.
Da wirst du Jahrelang verarscht und verholepipelt und machst dann doch mit, wenn die Mobber angegrochen kommen.
So blöd es klingt, aber die Grünen brauchen dringend mehr Rückgrat. Glaube kaum dass deren gutbürgerlichen Blumenkinder-Wähler 500 Milliarden für mehr Peng-Peng als richtig erachten.
Grüne werden wohl bald von allen Seiten unwählbar.
History is written by the winners. And they decide what was a crime and what was self defense.
We call it dnf now. *Tips Fedora and leave