What…? Lots of vehicles are sold online without dealerships, where’s this an actual rule, let alone a law?
What…? Lots of vehicles are sold online without dealerships, where’s this an actual rule, let alone a law?
Okay, and factually their labor and parts are cheap. Your own source even says that this a major factor.
And you do realize every country subsidizes auto makers yeah? How much did the USA and EU countries do in same time frame…?
Read your own source maybe?
For its part, China has declared the EU subsidy probe a protectionist maneuver by Europe, saying that its automakers are winning because they make better products. Of course, even the study’s author say that the rapid adoption of green tech in Europe in particular is due in large part to cheap goods coming from China.
The source is also a German investigation? So it may not even be entirely factual either dude…
They can drop the battery out from underneath…. You’re not seriously suggesting that this would be done by users and not automatically? The easiest place for this would be exactly where it is now, underneath EVERYTHING.
It’s not like you are gonna man handle the battery yourself in and out of these dude.
The precedence is there, there’s scooters that already utilize this exact exchanging. Hell forklifts figured this out decades ago… and you want to make it sound like it would be an issue in todays age? Semis have used it for years too, why do you think they would go back to manually doing it? Even if the batteries were light enough to move by hand, you would spend more time unplugging and plugging them back in than it would be to charge them….
They aren’t manipulating, shits just cheaper to make over there. So they can make more profit and still charge less.
Wouldn’t the fried food already symbolize that though?
Just a week or two ago C&C went open source. There’s a lot being done with that community now!
They don’t because no one would pay double the price for a worse vehicle dude…. To undercut them, they would need to tank their profit, which obviously for good reason, no company would do, it’s also hella illegal to boot regardless. So to answer why? It’s fucking illegal dude lmfao. You clearly have a axe to grind, and aren’t even looking at the actual data, just the bias in front of you regarding “China”.
People are free to import and buy them, what don you think is stopping them…? Its because it’s a more expensive inferior product. There’s no hidden thing here, there’s no conspiracy. You just can’t understand that China makes cheaper stuff, fullstop.