Oh wow hadn’t neither found nor heard of either of them, thanks! First look says jackpot!
Oh wow hadn’t neither found nor heard of either of them, thanks! First look says jackpot!
That’s my problem: a keycap producer, a us reseller and… Custom keyboards made on demand (with prices only on request and I doubt that they’d do only one as they’re marketed as B2B).
Thanks for giving the links anyway though!
There I can help, well kind of: not a medical advice though!
I highly appreciate the effort you’re putting in - and in addition to preparing for everything practice w few communication patterns on how to make them give you the info you need. You won’t be prepared enough for some of the shit people come up with, no chance.
S good example could be a set of guided questions or statements they should disagree or agree with.
I’m not medically educated at all so I can’t come up with food examples but what I’m trying to say is: prepare at least as well for crazy as you’re preparing for hard facts.
And for the drugs I can at least give s language perspective: slang has often very local derivates so while pages Likes these are w good stating point: https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/drug-alcohol-slang/ nothing beats a native speaker.
So you could either start a career as drug addict, or if you lack the funds and time, you could reach out to your local social workers and ask them to give a brief slang training wherever you work. From experience many are very happy to help others who get helping!
Just a few ideas, perhaps something resonates with you! Good luck ❤️
Wenn “50% der Belegschaft” dich hassen hast du entweder einen sehr seltenen betrieb erwischt oder es liegt nicht nur an deiner Umgebung. So eine Veränderung kann für dich da auch eine gute Gelegenheit sein, deine eigenen Muster zu hinterfragen.
ich wünsche dir so oder so das Beste!
I… Cherry is…I am confused and… well, today I’m one of the lucky 10,000.
It never occured to me to even check if they’re anything but US.