4 days agoOh we have many to choose from.
- “skrid ad helvede til” = go to hell
- “fuck af” = fuck off
- “Må din røv klø og dine arme være for korte” = I hope your ass is itching and your arms too short to reach
- “Rend mig i røven” = Kiss my ass (literally: run me in the ass)
- “Rend og hop” = run and jump (for me)
- “Sut den” = Suck it
- “Luk røven” = Shut the fuck up (literally: close your ass)
I do the same as @DouchePalooza@lemm.ee and never have i ever had a rotten egg or anything close to it. I always refrigerate my eggs and they last for a really long time. Even though we don’t wash eggs in Denmark like in crazy US we still refrigerate them her. I think it’s just easy to do for our food supply chain here and helps keep the eggs fresh.
If you think about it, in nature a hen would naturally be laying eggs over the course of a month (wild hens don’t lay eggs every single day) so an egg must be able to survive for minimum a month in outdoor temperatures and stay healthy untill there are enough eggs for the hen to start laying on them and incubate them. A month or 3 in a fridge should be no problem for an egg. Unles of course you wash it and ruin the natural protection layer…