Only helps wherever adblockers work, but I’m all for a multiple discipline approach!
Only helps wherever adblockers work, but I’m all for a multiple discipline approach!
Start teaching people to ignore ads. I know I do, and it’s something my parents taught me when I was younger.
It won’t help with data collection, but it will make it a lot harder for these assholes to put the pieces together.
Not a Sonos.
While I like the sound of my Sonos One, their app fucking sucks, and you have to use it to do anything (and I am supremely patient with technology). I am so close to just trashing it and the only thing stopping me is that I don’t yet have a replacement for it.
Think of a person with the most average intelligence and realize that 50% of people are dumber than that.
These people vote. These people think billionaires are their friends and will save them. Gods help us.
God having a plan vs. everything being calculable to us is practically the same thing, no?
No. A supernatural conscious agent with intent (e.g. a god) planning and orchestrating every quantum-interaction is not the same as humans documenting or even predicting extremely complex chains of physical reactions.
Either way, it’s still best to act within your moral framework, religious or atheist because it’s just better to be a good person.
Agreed. Whether Determinism is true only gives credence to philosophies like cosmic nihilism, and being a cosmic nihilist myself, it doesn’t matter that much whether my actions have purpose beyond now. It feels good to be kind, I know how it feels to be hurt, and so I try to do as much of the former and as little of the latter as possible.
I use it for basic Python questions, but it gets even basic stuff wrong. The reframing can sometimes help me see new options when I get in a rut, but I’m not putting that code into production.
Good points!
It’s that interoperability of unique instances that makes the Fediverse resistant to scraping. The posts are all public, but crawling it all and categorizing everything is probably like untangling a cotton ball.
I think you can have this same dilemma as an atheist as well.
I’d like to hear your opinions on how you think so (truly). The way I see things, Atheism is only the answer to a single question: do you believe in any gods? If “yes,” you’re a theist or deist. If “no; I don’t know; not currently; maybe one day,” then you’re an atheist. It’s not a philosophy or a comprehensive worldview, and it can’t possibly answer deeper questions.
What you’re referring to in the latter half is Determinism and Compatibilism (Determinism + free will). Science is currently leaning pretty strongly towards Determinism, but since Compatibilism doesn’t add much more to the idea, it’s also still a candidate possibility.
It’s very likely you could calculate every chain reaction from the Big Stretch up until now and maybe even into the future. Whether we have the ability to affect or disrupt those chains might be a matter of philosophy.
Son, you’ve got a panty on your head…
Mangione for president.
Graber replied that generative AI companies are “already scraping public data from across the web,” including from Bluesky, since “everything on Bluesky is public like a website is public.” So she said Bluesky is trying to create a “new standard” to govern that scraping, similar to the robots.txt file that websites use to communicate their permissions to web crawlers.
Got a kitchen scale, so all good there!
Sounds like a winning combination to me. Thick crust is what my SO and I like, and we judge takeout pizza on the crust quality 😆
The choice of flour makes a huuuuuge difference. Use pizza flour or at least a high protein flour (which has at least 12% of protein)
I’m with you, here. I sometimes do a 1:3 whole wheat to white all-purpose flour. However, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of pizza flour or high protein flour (that isn’t terrible for baking bread, anyway). What kind/brand do you use? I might be able to find an equivalent.
And thanks for sharing the weights you use. My recipe is a family one, and I should probably take some time to convert mine. Might help me find where extra water is coming from.
Thanks for the advice! I had a stone once, but it cracked (from heat), and I just never replaced it. A pizza steel is something new I’d never heard of until people mentioned it in the comments, so I’ll have to look into that.
I have a double-layered, perforated pan that’s maybe 16ga altogether, but I can try preheating that.
I do love to use parchment paper…
It does! I’m getting lots of good ideas to try
I’m pretty sure my SO would turn me into pizza sauce if I tried to do thinner crust.
You could make the argument that someone could guide her to a specific cheap brand, but I agree that it’s stupid