Hes in the White House and never leaves the fucking place.
Hes in the White House and never leaves the fucking place.
“You should ask one of the problems of things you guys get wrong all the time.” Hedseth mumbled as he unsteadily measured out three fingers of Wild Turkey. “Elonsh not here to problems the things. He’s here to make sure the problems become silent.”
he trails off, slowly swirling his glass, making the ice clank the edges as he mimics the main riff to Thunderstruck under his breath
Go ahead, asshole. Do it.
produces list of a whos who of right wing goons
See? Everyone loves it!!1!!
Sounds like Herr GröpenFührer because at the end of the article he was yelling about Executive Orders.
If by wild, you mean horrifying?
Bye bye handicap ramps, easy open doors, automatic doors, and anything the help the disabled.
Gotta shovel that money to the top donchaknow
That’s when the stop gap budget they just passed runs out. Nation wide abortion ban here we come.
I’m also thinking they will federally crack down on marijuana and go hard after states that have legalized it. Nazis hate people having any type of joy in their lives and it will also fill prisons.
Sorry. Zero fucks given over this idiots sob-story.
Fuck around
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