The potential side effects of ketamine include dissociative experiences that may lead to confusion or impaired motor coordination, cognitive disturbances, and, with repeated misuse, the risk of developing a substance use disorder.
The potential side effects of ketamine include dissociative experiences that may lead to confusion or impaired motor coordination, cognitive disturbances, and, with repeated misuse, the risk of developing a substance use disorder.
I ain’t not gonna not believe that.
The potential side effects of ketamine include dissociative experiences that may lead to confusion or impaired motor coordination, cognitive disturbances, and, with repeated misuse, the risk of developing a substance use disorder.
The potential side effects of ketamine include dissociative experiences that may lead to confusion or impaired motor coordination, cognitive disturbances, and, with repeated misuse, the risk of developing a substance use disorder.
Apple’s ecosystem is socialism and people seems to love it
Marcel Bich invented BIC pens and I think it’s still French. Apple is American FYI. I feel like it’s not mentioned enough.