What, the religious fanatic of an ethno-supremacist racist state is cozying up to Trump? Whoooot? Who could have seen that coming!?
We’ll welcome you, persecuted Indibros, we’ll give you a home when others try to burn yours down for money.
What, the religious fanatic of an ethno-supremacist racist state is cozying up to Trump? Whoooot? Who could have seen that coming!?
We’ll welcome you, persecuted Indibros, we’ll give you a home when others try to burn yours down for money.
The range is poor by design, keeping the vehicle price low while having still a steep margin due to cheaping out on the battery. This way urban affluent populations get the e vehicle while the rural populations get the benzin one since the electric version is borderline useless in a rural setting. Its a sad state of affairs. Regarding the rest, I couldn’t disagree more, had a completely opposite experience with the 208 E.
Which ones were ever present in humble bundles or other key bundles, what is the age of the purchase vs the age of the game, etc. I agree, a deeper understanding of the data would be great.
This completely ignores people that pirated games and then bought them once life let them contribute to the authors/devs they liked.
InCeLs TaLkInG sHiT
*Furiously types a GPT prompt “WhAt Is A rEmOrA?”
Ty for the stalking <3
US americans being no better than remoras, name a more iconic duo.
Who was the idiot that removed LiDar to cut costs?
That’s precisely it, it’s feudalism with extra steps. We’re not so far removed from cattle.
Thank you for this, I nearly spit my coffee on the table.
That scandal was a big shitshow and vw got the short end of the stick. Everyone was doing it, VW being one of the largest, got caught. The problem with capitalism is that if one player cheats, it gets a monopoly if the others don’t. (see every US company ever. US capitalism is based on two principles: 1: print a bunch of money to buy the competition. If that fails ->2 2: cheat) This mindset has sadly contaminated the rest of the world for obvious reasons.
Gtfo with this BS
TeSlA hAs ThE sAmE pRoBlEmS aS oThEr MaNuFaCtUrErS.
Reality check time, Tesla is actually quite shitty and is even worse than Chinese brand electric vehicles. And that’s before mentioning the absolutely horrendous post sale service.
I guess the cognitive dissonance lies elsewhere 🤔
Ad hominem <3
Good to know that when squeezed you’re analogous to Moscow Mitch.
So you can’t then, and, are full of shit. How am I not surprised.
Lol. Merica, fuck yeah!
Can you distill that to concrete sentences with citations.
Where and when he doesn’t know what he talks about. Given his works are open access it should be easy for you to elaborate on that. I look forward to your rebuttal.
What lead? It’s not a race if nobody else is participating.