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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldRemoved from Reddit because?
    2 hours ago

    enforce conformity

    I don’t see where I said I would like to enforce anything, please point out exactly what you’re referring to.

    We should try to celebrate diversity

    Yeah, that’s what I said too, when I was explaining in a very clear and solutions focused way to someone else the ways they can, you know, actually do that by respecting folks who may feel left out when it’s so common to assume everyone is a man behind a computer, which is the opposite of “celebrating diversity”.



    This feels intentionally (and unnecessarily) disrespectful after I just made it clear I do not think that type of language is inclusive to everyone.


    Why don’t you just enjoy

    We should

    Please don’t talk to me that way. I’m very happy with my life and don’t need to be told what to do or enjoy.

    It adds some flair

    Nothing wrong with flair.

    when the reader understands the context

    Yeah that’s the problem. Not every reader will immediately understand that context, and if they don’t, in this example specifically just for a hypothetical, say because they’re gen-z (too young to get the ref) or autistic (more direct communication is better understood) or something, they may think this is just some place where everyone assumes everyone else is a man or a dude, like reddit.

    The history of our language.

    Hwæt, hwæt þu ne spræce swā gif þu þearft on gemyndum habban þæs þe ær gewāt?

  • YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldRemoved from Reddit because?
    7 hours ago

    Hey, how about we leave the needless gendering of everything on reddit maybe? Gentle reminder that not everything needs to be gendered and (especially on Lemmy) there are lots of folks who might be put off in some way by this, because it feels very much (at least to me) like something (particularly white cishet) dudes say to each other and not something that applies to folks of all genders and communities, like “friend” for example. Not trying to imply that you are any of those things (even someone who is okay being called dude, I’m not calling you that, intending to be giving a vibe on the statement without judging you) just that that’s what I think of when I see that and I wouldn’t necessarily mind if someone said it to me (especially in person; I’m currently masc presenting at the least, not sure yet where I actually land) but thinking of others who might feels like something that happens on Lemmy that differentiates the community at large from reddit. Not saying it’s always like that, check my recent comments if you want to see examples of how some folks are def still trolling here, but it’s better and I hope we can continue to wear that diversity and respect as a badge of honor sort of.

  • Nah it’s okay, they’re taken care of in the stasis of the ball. What does taken care of mean? Well, they’re in stasis, so technically they don’t have any needs to meet, so they’re totally fine. What is stasis? It’s like being frozen, like cryostasis, but not like that. No, of course they’re not fully aware of every agonizing second of blackness! Wait, I mean, they’re aware, but not able to actually think or feel anything, and they can’t even talk so it’s not like they’re complaining. Some of them are complaining? Fuck idk. …are we the baddies?

    Jk that’s not supported by canon. Well, the bit at the end about self awareness anyways. [I realized after writing this last sentence immediately before this that it could kind of refer to either the Pokémon’s self awareness or the self awareness of the person exploiting the Pokémon. I will not be correcting it to clarify which I meant]

  • Nah. There’s good people here and even the people who voted for this deserve to have their needs met, many of then are only personally responsible for a tiny fraction of the immense harm caused by the systems of power. And they may not have caused any harm if they lived in a place where people are always taken care of as well as is reasonably possible. there is immense pressure to shed empathy and embrace individualism and forego the many benefits of community such as efficient and effective collaboration, for example to prevent a disease from spreading or at least reducing the harm it causes. As many of us can see, especially obviously in the US, the goal and function of the system isn’t actually to stop causing harm in the first place, or even reduce the harm that must be caused for your society to function, the cruelty is often very much the point. Non-absolutely essential needs are less and less profitable to meet the less common it is to have the need, and the amount of wealth that can be extracted from the people with whatever need is the only thing that really determines what gets things done, and subjugation and not giving folks a chance to think critically and question their circumstances by completely overwhelming them with horrible information (including dis- or misinformation) about the world and making them think they’re threatened by whoever is opposing efforts to make line go up. Most folks don’t stand a chance without direct intervention and time spent with someone directly affected by the system in an obvious way, including possibly the person themselves.

    At the very least I owe it to my family to stay and be as helpful as possible to the people who have supported me and hopefully others who don’t deserve what’s coming if a major effort of community organization doesn’t happen