Why? End to end encryption is a real thing, look at all the planning for 9/11 that was done on AOL chat rooms or instant messenger using burner accounts, way back in the day. Nowadays there are so many ways to be anonymous online, e2e encryption apps, vpns, the mass of forums and ways to temporarily setup email, it’s insanity to think the primary way a foreign nation would spy is to go through the trouble of having individuals apply for refuge or asylum status just to try and recruit American officials to spy
This is a better article but basically she was ‘working’ in the US by exchanging help around the house for a place to stay. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c80y3yx1jdyo
Apparently the Canadians were concerned she’d work while in Canada? This kind of housework for accommodation is super common in the backpacking, hostel, hitchhiking kind of space. It’s ridiculous to treat tourists like this because of simply doing a little house work.
Another example with hikers going along the AT or PCT will frequently do housework like activities to payback hostels or shuttle drivers.