We should support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports. - Mao Zedong
Its comically simplistic but i can’t think of a single case this is wrong in regards with US imperialism.
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. - Malcolm X
mexicanist geopolitics nerd
We should support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports. - Mao Zedong
Its comically simplistic but i can’t think of a single case this is wrong in regards with US imperialism.
Ukraine is fighting for its sovereignty.
I’ll believe this when they attack the US.
You can strawman all you want, but as a western leftist I will continue to criticize actions against US interests. It’s not hard to be consistently pro-US imperialism.
It’s a great move because the opposition will now uncritically defend the right for bullfighting, a practice that is incredibly unpopular among the younger generations, furthering strenghtening the ruling party popularity.
each settler project has been pretty much a band-aid for capitalist property crisis. the idea being to offer the upset working class that threatens the status quo the opportunity of owning land by forcefully taking it from others, israel accelerating the genocide of Palestinians is pretty much part of it.
does this tell me if european product company is owned by blackrock?
of course not, you can bet that “wealth fund” is invested in institutions that leech of the global south.
thats not something to boast about, it tells how deeply embedded the nordic socdems are in financial parasitism aka imperialism.
living off interests is parasitism
You’re conveniently forgeting all the plundering of the global south the good ol’ european capitalist countries did to develop themselves.
Guys like yeltsin and gorby being able to rise through the party ranks screams incompetency to me. Even khruschev taking over screams incompetency.
But then again, only socialists goverments are under constant attempts to getting toppled by external agents, capitalist states have had plenty of incompetent people in charge yet theyre not under constant siege.
the world understander has commented
the majority would be relatively the same with minor variances on cultural customs and traditions, society conforms to law whether if you realize it or not, this is a chief principle of materialist philosophy, understanding that the things conform to definite laws and that we must and can discover them. Historical materialism is the materialist conception of history with the conclusion that the development of production is the chief driving force in the development of society, quantitative improvements in production lead to qualitative changes in how society is organized.
With this in mind, Communism is a stage of development where developments in production led to a society of abundance that ended the exploitation of man by man. Communist states, like China, are not in that stage but are organized to pursue that goal, this is why China has a massive focus point on the development of productive industries.
do you realize that you are contradicting your statement? You talk of “human nature” as a law of nature, something that cannot be changed and has to conform every single time, but then you mention that people are just different lmao.
In short, China has billionaires but they are devoid of political power 👍 🇨🇳
It’s almost as if the material conditions of a determinate place do not change overnight.
There is no contradiction with these 2 things.
ah yes let me just manufacture my own toilet paper on my 50m2 apartment
typical european “we are a garden” centrist, i wonder how europe accumulated its capital on the first place!
If X country has military bases in Y country, that Y country is not a sovereign state. Both japan and sKorea play baseball for a reason lmao.