I’ve noticed Chinese people doing this often. I assume that it’s to do with Chinese keyboard layouts.
I’ve noticed Chinese people doing this often. I assume that it’s to do with Chinese keyboard layouts.
I still cannot use special characters in filenames, 40 years of Windows OSes in.
That’s a good thing IMO. The benefits of using special characters in this specific case are slim, but the repercussions for every single programming language that ever touches file or folder names (i.e. basically all of them) are pretty big.
Like seriously, I’d wager that entire companies might crawl to a stop because Bernice in accounting put a “/” into some important excel file name.
Moscow has 11 million inhabitants. That’s half the Soviet losses in WWII, which were insanely high.
It’s about the total losses of the Axis powers over the spam of the entire war.
What the fuck are you talking about?
That sounds like a reasonable amount of nukes. If the threat of losing one or two major cities isn’t deterrent enough, were in absolute lunatic territory anyways, and no amount of more nukes will deter any further.
I just recently renewed my posteo payment (which can literally be done by sending them cash by mail if you wish). It really just works. Using Thunderbird on PC and Thunderbird + DAVx⁵ on my phone.
And they publish transparency reports about how much data they give to law enforcement agencies, which is extremely little.
Yeah, I hate it when people don’t use the simple shortcut Win+Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L to open LinkedIn!