You dumb fuck, there are screenshots of all of it, plus your own people admitted it
You dumb fuck, there are screenshots of all of it, plus your own people admitted it
Don’t these people fucking GET it?? Trump’s supporters are NOT policy oriented!! They just care that he’s in office!!
Sure I’ll sign a petition against Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanagh
Wait, not like that?
Not a big question, and no I would not
Lmao I will never not associate these kinds of photo ops with Dukakis and his shit eating grin
What the fuckkkkk
… raising golden retrievers on a farm with his wife
Hahahahahaha that is probably the Number One Thing they would complain about you dummy
The worst part is, he probably fucking believes that.
That’s how out of touch he is
Sure but remember the staunchest Republicans may largely be boomers in their 60s and 70s. For many of them, JFK was in their formative years and had immense staying power in their minds and in media for years and years and years afterward. Not unlike 9/11 to 14-year-old me and the ensuing two decades of massive longlasting consequences – whether I like it or not, it was a singular event that defined a generation
False, there is no morel