Hence the question! I mean I feel like he had a certain relevance in his prime. Every now and then he pops up shilling for some crazy right-wing cause… or as a Sheriff’s Deputy. Similar to Dr. Phil going out on ICE raids.
Hence the question! I mean I feel like he had a certain relevance in his prime. Every now and then he pops up shilling for some crazy right-wing cause… or as a Sheriff’s Deputy. Similar to Dr. Phil going out on ICE raids.
Right!? There was some weird stuff going on, and the way the show started was pretty solid. Did they even finish the first season?
The death of American democracy!
Does Steven Seagal still fit here?
Dr. Phil?
Lots of really good ones here. I’ll add Flashforward.
I don’t, and I use it all the time. That said, I try to be mindful of context. For example, if I’m going to a party and someone texts saying to grab ice or something: 👍
Conversely, if someone is texting to say their dog died, or congratularions of a big achievement: !👍
I don’t have a top ten, lots of my favorites have already been mentioned, so I’ll add a few new ones:
There are probably some more, but I can’t remember at the moment.
Y’all, it would make me ecstatic to be completely wrong with this hot take. I guess it’s a combination of my lack of faith in the citizenship to give enough of a shit, and my lack of faith in our government to listen.
TBH, this was one of the things the GOP has kind of right, but as is their way they go about it in all the wrong ways. Europe has relied on US troop presence since WWII, and it’s allowed them to find a balance between high-ish taxes and strong social safety nets. In the past couple decades, as things have gotten more expensive, cracks have formed in this arrangement. Now they need to actually meet their NATO commitments, and keep the people happy by maintaining the safety nets without raising taxes. Good luck with that! Oh, and they also have to do all of this with the growing popularity of far right nationalist movements across the continent! Good times are ahead for all!
EDIT: Sorry if I gave the impression that I think the US will benefit in any way from this arrangement. We are absolutely abdicating our place on the world stage by doing this. I was only talking about the European side of this. Continuing to see the US as a reliable ally is a lost cause, and any international leaders who don’t see this are in danger of a very rude awakening. Trump and his cronies have shown that they don’t value allies at all - only unceasing loyalty, and even that doesn’t guarantee anything. That demand devalues the sovereignty of the nations to whom they think they will be able to dictate terms! I fear the old saying “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” will haunt the US for more than a generation (not to say that all the US has done was good, but a lot of good was done). And to be clear, when I say “the US” I mean the entirety of the US. I never voted for Trump, but I’m included in that. Our voters and many/most of our leaders simply can no longer be counted on as allies by other free and democratic countries. At this point, I’m not even really looking forward to the midterm elections.
I can’t think of a more “American” thing than enlisting immigrants to make your fledgling country “great,” only to turn around and villainize them in an effort to make it great “again.”
Dude is just out right purchasing power at this point. Pretty soon, it will be “one world under Musk.”
Unfortunately it won’t. Too many people didn’t learn, and learn from, history. They’ll watch as their freedoms are eroded away in the name of “making America great,” and then cry about how everything got so bad as if they had nothing to do with it.
I bounce between Voyager and Arctic. On iOS. Voyager on Android.
I’ve been curious when Trump was going to find a job for this POS.
Looks very similar to one of mine! Very cute!
I’d be willing to bet money that heir leader doesn’t understand that nuance at all. More to the point, if anyone tries to explain it to him, he will keep saying, “but that’s not what he said, he said…”
He was only half-wrong about “playing with WWIII.” Ukraine is just defending its land, Russia & now Trump are playing with WWIII. And one half of that equation can’t comprehend the nuance and subtext of what the other half says and does - and the other half 100% knows this. Unfortunately, I think Ukraine will ultimately pay the price for all this. Trump isn’t interested in a fair deal, he wants a deal at any cost so he can look good and scream about how he deserves a Nobel.
This really is the answer. The more services you add, the more of your attention they will require. Granted, for most services already integrated into the distro’s repo, the added admin overhead will likely be minimal, but it can add up. That’s not to say the admin overhead can’t be addressed. That’s why scripting and crons, among some other utilities, exist!