KeepassXC for password management.
average man by day, average man by night. / you get more points being on lemmy than you do on reddit / movie enthusiast / /u/doug on reddit
KeepassXC for password management.
Thunderbird is just a mail app, not a mail provider.
Yeah Oolong’s my jam. I just wish I knew an admirable character that liked Oolong.
Podcast app for Means Morning News. Community radio apps for their stations (I’m in Portland).
Actually it’s the left people.
I was burned too recently by the boring Love Hurts to try another action comedy so soon.
As a never-smoker who knows all the downsides to smoking, the one point I do concede about the habit is it DOES look very cool.
Vaping just does not compare.
Why are there obituaries in the obituaries column?
Customize your feed and/or block whatever you want to filter it, buddy. There’s a Reddit exodus because of American-centered events, so you’re going to see American-centric news and Reddit-bashing stories in some default feeds for a bit. Filter it out and move on.
Sure, but I mean if we’re going there, it’s not a very popular mail app by comparison to Apple and Window’s default built-in mail clients/they should be in the graphic alongside Gmail.