Please, just don’t. At least unless there’s a reasonably not shady ROM on XDA that you feel comfortable flashing.
Please, just don’t. At least unless there’s a reasonably not shady ROM on XDA that you feel comfortable flashing.
At least it’s not as f-d up as French where dudes casually ignore like half of the letters in a sentence.
Sigh. I was hoping for an ARG at least.
a message
Or 6
I mean, scammers aren’t exactly the smartest tools in the shed (but usually the toolest), but this one seems especially weird. Like, wouldn’t they at least notice this whole campaign became a huge meme at this point?
Neither can we, little system. Neither can we.
A recent report from Stanford University in the US, published in the journal Nature Communications, found that recycling lithium-ion batteries is far more environmentally friendly than mining for new materials.
Huh, who knew
The music you guys breakdance to doesn’t have breakdowns?
Riiiiight, a chromium fork with questionable crypyo and a history of even more questionable decisions (referral scam or not blocking all the trackers, for example) is better than a non-chromium non-fork with no crypto and a history of questionable decisions.
I mean, it might be interesting. To be clear, I don’t dislike French, it’s quite fun, just weird at times