These days there’s machines to help you with that
These days there’s machines to help you with that
Hello internet stranger going through a similar thing (based on your memes). Hold on dude we’ll figure this out.
Intentional jokes with community names - anime_titties, trees, superbowl
The moment you pay for an IQ test - you failed it
The biggest surprise in this news is that Klarna has any revenue. Most banks offer the same service these days.
Me who is so depressed to be unable to look for another job
An easy way out. That’s it.
If it’s about a material thing - being able to throw it away and buy a “correct” one without worrying about recouping any money.
If it’s about politics - open path to changing your opinion without constantly being called out for your previous opinion. I feel like changing your mind is punished to an extreme. You need to have always believed the “correct” thing without showing any doubt or you’re out. And this is common to many political groups.
Everyone should be able to own a car, and be able to afford keeping it in a garage for rare situations where it makes sense to use one.
This is a winning narrative.
Me a few months ago waking up from a hyperfixation: let’s review everything I did this time … Designed a railway system for all of South America, including freight, high speed, and even urban rail for some cities? Not bad actually.
But now I’m spent and need something different