Imma be honest with ya, did not notice it at all lol now I see what you did there and no /s needed of course
Imma be honest with ya, did not notice it at all lol now I see what you did there and no /s needed of course
Forgot the /s I assume
Literally all responses are “shouldn’t have gotten banned just because your opinion is stupid” which is true. I’m not a parent and never gonna be but why pretend it’s something it isn’t?
Legit fuck meta I hope somebody Mario parites with zuck
Classic capitalist gotcha. Turns out that prioritizing shareholders (a 3rd party leech entity unrelated to the operations or customers) is always going to lead to censorship. Like the generic “shareholder” needs stable status quo to figure out how to exploit the poors in most efficient way and violent revolt doesn’t guarantee a higher than inflation result. Modern capitalism in America is straight up a mental disorder similar to hoarding. You don’t need the money nor the stock but you’re willing to fuck over literally thousands of people for a minor gain. It should be studied … but studying this doesn’t help the bottom line so fuck any progress it’s death and destruction for %% daily return. Fuck all this
Yes and no. It’s objectively true that things like streaming services, food delivery, and online communications got worse not better over time. It’s not true for all things but there are definitely things that simply got worse for profit
In fantasy land you can open a competing restaurant. Back here on earth not only is that not an option for 99% of the population, most people are stuck with the couple choices they have in town and when tech comes in and forces the enshitificstion of services in order to pump stock price you’re stuck just eating this shit forever. That’s the problem. You seem to believe in “the invisible hand of the free market” when that simply doesn’t exist. Consumers aren’t rational. Investors aren’t rational. And the market is anything but free. Big tech is working really hard to make sure they have a stranglehold on every industry to make it worse and trap people into using their platforms.
That’s like saying “I wish EU knew how to protest” because the states differ about as much as European countries. I don’t hear of a ton of the Eastern European countries protesting like the French, or the Poles do. I think there is a lot of ignorance of how it looks like to be an American from the inside