Yup. Especially with digital watermarking by modifying a pixel here or there - something you’d naturally need a computer to detect.
Yup. Especially with digital watermarking by modifying a pixel here or there - something you’d naturally need a computer to detect.
Oh, for sure! And when they’d stop, well, time for another rewatch!
I see you struck a few nerves. But you’re right. It’s disgusting, but this right here is why they have turned “do your own research” into a meme, essentially - because a colloquialism loses its original meaning. And suddenly millions of people can literally no longer comprehend the idea of research.
I mean, for hell sake don’t people realize there’s about a million very terrible, but very real, reasons why we have a law that states if the ICC detains an American, the military must immediately launch an attack to retrieve that person.
As I’ve said before, we’re literally the reason the term “banana republic” exists. The citizens were fine, happy even! Their government wasn’t even hostile. But they threatened the profits of Dole I believe it was, so the US government sent in the military, overthrew em, and installed a puppet.
Insert “are we the baddies” meme
Basically, the fascists were guaranteed winners in WW2; these fuckers were already infiltrating everyone.
I have a hard time wrapping my head around this one. If you “federate” authentication, wouldn’t that just open it up to bad actors?
Good to know. Might but it just to support the author.
Anyone got a link yet? 😎
Ummm, yeah. What he said.
Lol, though. Just that it’s so, well, me to overthink it! 🤣 But yeah, your idea is so much easier to implement. Just for starters 😝