Grind it down to a fine powder and snort it through a rolled 500 euro bill.
Grind it down to a fine powder and snort it through a rolled 500 euro bill.
JFC this thread is bizarre. Just look this shit up, it’s not that hard. In fact here: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=less+vs+fewer&t=ffab&ia=web
You will see that all of those results will agree that less is almost always correct when talking about time, despite the unit. And the very rare cases where fewer is correct do not cover OP’s title.
You will also see that less is practically always correct for money. It is the single most notable exception to the countable vs uncountable rule that is mentioned very often.
edit: I’m also gonna preempt any possible “it’s not incorrect it’s just unusual” response. “Just unusual” or “just awkward” is very often as close to incorrect as certain things get in a language.
It’s not. You can count years, but years are a unit of time and you can’t count time. Same thing with kilos or meters or liters or a bunch of other things.
It’s not a super strict rule that you can apply blindly anyway. Money is very much countable but it’s “less”.
Wow. It’s rare to see someone incorrectly use fewer instead of less.
I think Blendo is the greatest, but my dad says it doesn’t work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, it doesn’t even run down the arena.
So that the toddler can enter the workforce and start pulling itself up by the bootstraps as soon as possible. The lithium mines need more bodies.