Man there’s a lot of really stupid shit in here.
Yes having a simple to use shape tool is nice. And it’s on the roadmap so no, it doesn’t go against some weird vaguely defined “core value” of gimp.
Game dev and Linux user
Man there’s a lot of really stupid shit in here.
Yes having a simple to use shape tool is nice. And it’s on the roadmap so no, it doesn’t go against some weird vaguely defined “core value” of gimp.
I wouldn’t have switched personally if Linux ui was still shit. I put the effort into learning because the initial experience was good enough to warrent delving deeper into it.
Like others have said, it’s on the roadmap. They just need (or want) to add vector layers first. So progress is being made.
If email were invented today people would complain about how complex and annoying it is to sign up.
Oop my bad lol