We Dutch cheese.
I wish you good.
We Dutch cheese.
Krabat by Otfried Preußler. Lemniscaat published more great children books but that one is my favorite.
I know the artist who painted the for the Dutch translation, as a troubled kid I spend many summers on her farm, wonderful time away from my parents, she made awesome artwork for many books.
Mimo, memes, mats shmickelson when eating, captain zeiksnor when annoying and sjattepoemel when sweet.
1 to 3 hrs of house keeping as I am early retired. Cooking takes up most of my time. My wife works 40 hrs a week, but mostly from home, so that is nice as we spend much time together and I can make her sandwiches, coffee and tea while she is working.
In the Netherlands they are well known. They played on Pinkpop festival in the mid 90s.
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We had bouncers dealing with them when I worked as a cook in Amsterdam at a grand cafe also selling hash and weed. If anyone was rude or entitled, mostly American or British tourist, they got dealt with pretty quick. I remember Americans going ballistic over orders, like “who put fucking tomato on my fucking BLT?!”, I could hear this woman screaming from th kitchen. Got launched by a knee from a bouncer, don’t be rude.
Dammit, Finland number 1…again.
What comes to your mind when you think of Finland?
It is kind a running joke here in the Netherlands