Yes this! They sell HomeAssistant Green for 100$ and HomeAssistant Yellow does ship from various European sellers at various prices.
Otherwise agreed a used 1liter PC from a local IT refurbisher the best option if buying a general PC for HA.
Yes this! They sell HomeAssistant Green for 100$ and HomeAssistant Yellow does ship from various European sellers at various prices.
Otherwise agreed a used 1liter PC from a local IT refurbisher the best option if buying a general PC for HA.
Oh cool, 4x 2.5G ethernet for €200! These could make an awesome pfSense / openSense router.
I’ve seen similar boxes on AliExpress etc , but there you never know what you’re getting, with model numbers and “manufacturers” all over the place. And forget about any form of support.
Edit: somehow forgot that HA sell their own devices, HomeAssistant Green for 100$ and HomeAssistant Yellow which also supports the project.
Original comment:
Highly recommend a used “enterprise mini PC” from Dell , HP or Lenovo. Get it from your local IT refurbisher, eBay or your local ebay-equivelent.
These are sometimes called 1L PCs for their 1 Litre size. Model names are Dell Optiplex, HP Elite desk or Prodesk, Lenovo Think centre. Prices are €100 to €1500 depending on age and specs. €150 should be more than enough for HomeAssistant.
Alternatively sells Linux PCs out of Spain, and out of Germany.
Another option is the british RaspberryPi, but that might be more hassle. You need to separately get a good power supply and cable, good SD-Card, case, maybe with fan. And its ARM not x86, but that doesn’t matter for HomeAssistant unless you’re doing something very exotic.
Not a problem when self-hosting on own hardware. Especially in winter. Overly complicated spaceheater goes brrrr
No and kinda yes. Duckduckgo has its own webcrawler, but also adds in results from other sources including Bing, Yahoo and others.