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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • In the deceptively simple, yet seemingly complex social conundrum, you’re practically insulting two or several of their generations.

    You see, their daddy and granddaddy before them didn’t need no paternity leave and their kids (as in themselves) turned out to be just fine! Now here you are coddling and spoiling your children rotten, proving everything wrong with the newer generations!

    How can a man provide food on the table, a roof over their heads and clothes on their backs by sitting at home and playing with their kids? Unthinkable! Unconscionable! Un-American!

    Or so a theory goes…

  • You are and you aren’t wrong. Corporations have taken bureaucracy and turned it into an incomprehensible maze of lunacy with the sole purpose of confusing everyone about everything.

    Yes there are stuff manufactured locally, but they’re contracted by a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a global corp to deliver exclusively to the warehouse you find listed. They generally have little to no presence online and so virtually don’t exist, which is why you’re not finding them.

    But that warehouse isn’t some goodwill project. It’s a monopoly filled with all the ugliness you expect, price fixing, exploitation of the actual manufacturers, mixing in fake and defective materials, bribing the local government, money laundering etc. that can be discarded without a thought and replaced with another subsidiary at any point.

    Protections for the little guy are lacking even in EU in this regard.

    Is it stuff made in EU? For the most part.

    The part that isn’t however uses wordplay which changes the subject of the sentence. What is made in the EU for those? The packaging. They bring in what is defined as raw product from the outside and dress it up nicely, therefore the resulting product is “Made in EU”.

    Of course the origin of the raw product has to be mentioned, and it is, in the small print few people bother to read.

    You are right to be wary because there are a lot of shenanigans going on using loopholes in every inventive way possible. However, Chinese companies don’t have exclusive patents to this kind of finagling.

    Some might be European fronts for foreign companies, but it is often enough the reverse as having a foreign front to shield local crooks. It can and does happen both ways.