Unless you get the same size voting base as Republicans, it still leads to a corpse.
Unless you get the same size voting base as Republicans, it still leads to a corpse.
Different word, same effect
First past the post ensures that any party that tries to splinter off dooms both themselves and the party from which they splintered.
What needs to happen is the democrats need to get tea partied.
His backstory involves being born rich on the backs of his family’s emerald mine slaves. Why would you expect better than any other rich asshole?
We also have a Scout. We also call him Scoochy, Scoutabout, Scootums, and You-Motherfucker. He’s orange and only uses his brief braincell time for evil. He once turned the gas stove on by himself.
Never thought you would. The comment wasn’t really for you.
Can we get a fast painful decline? Minimize how much harm he does to… everyone?
It became a slur back when I was a child in the 90s because people used it as a general perjorative. Doesn’t help that it once innocently described a vulnerable minority. When cunts like you decided to use it as a slur, they tied said vulnerable minority to the concept of “this thing is bad” and harmed that community.
I’m not policing your speech. I’m calling you a cunt for using a decidedly shitty term that’s been shitty for decades.
Downvoted for casual use of a slur.
In the US, yes. In other countries (also Alaska and Maine somewhat), the voting system (ranked choice voting, proportional representation, etc) allows for many smaller parties to form. Because no one ends up with 50+% of the vote, these groups have to come together to get things done. With first past the post (which is winner take all, which is heinously stupid), small parties cannot meaningfully form because they cannot possibly get enough votes to get into office.