Oh no, you!

  • 0 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2024


  • IT related to ships and geophysical surveys.

    For larger projects, as long as the heavy duty work is out of the way, grabbing a beer or two with the meal is pretty common.

    Related story:
    We were mobilizing for a project, and I had a real headscratcher of a problem. Work day was over, and we all headed back to the hotel for the evening. We all met at dinner, and I called it “a night” early as I excused myself after a few beers to head back ip to my room.

    Project manager, who knew of the issues I was having with the system said something along the lines of the issues being serious when it caused me to be the first to leave the bar. “Nah, I’m gonna VPN in and try something I just thought of”

    Yup, turns out it was abgood idea: Misconfigured soanning tree was the root cause, and the fix took 5 minutes. It was fun rejoining the others and Announce that the system would be ready the next day after some cleanup, and all that was missing was a few beers. The Ballmer Peak is real.

  • Politicalmemes could be a general place, but you’re most likely better off posting your artwork in communities oriented specifically towards the political position your artwork is for.

    I find that the best way of discover communities is to browse “all” and sort by 6 hour best. Do this a few times over a few days and you’ll probably find communities that are suitable.