Sorry to ping you a bunch with replies. I’m curious now, do you have unique numeral symbols for the numbers after 9?
Sorry to ping you a bunch with replies. I’m curious now, do you have unique numeral symbols for the numbers after 9?
Oh! That makes my brain hurt a bit less. It’s “subtract half from five”.
This is making my brain hurt. I need to try reading a few more times but, if I am understanding it correctly, the old Danish way of saying it is mathematically incorrect?
Half-to-five == 2.5
2.5*20 == 50
Did I read that correctly?
It probably doesn’t help that the tech in question, LLMs, are kinda shit, to put it plainly. You make the shiniest, most polished turd and it’s still just a turd. They are interesting and can be neat to play with but, they lack practical applications where cost to run them actually makes sense and benefits humanity. The iPod shuffle was more impactful, when measuring positive impact on people’s lives.
I have talked about this stuff with a cardio surgery nurse. These pumps are effective but generally require regular transfusions due to the impellers shredding the blood cells. That’s why the more complex pumps that mimic real heart motion have such interest.
No. That’s by design. The “autopilot” is made to disengage when any likely collision is about to occur to try to reduce the likelihood of someone finding them liable for their system being unsafe.