Buddhist, researcher, FOSS, Linux, selfhosting enthusiast, plantbased, anarchism and MLM interested.
Trying to be nice. I really dislike the Reddit style aggressive comments. If you are rude I will block and ban you.
You’re not wrong. I sometimes admit being wrong or sorry and some people here do not let up being mean.
Honestly I hate that question because who actually has an answer for that specific device and situation? Though you do provide a good breakdown
Because they actually have content and friends there
Bro listing their innocence
As a PhD candidate who had to grade undergraduate papers, barely any of them know how to write and it’s painfully obvious when they try to cheat. In humanities a lot of my courses try to help the non-humanities students learn but not always successfully. It’s awesome when some students go from C’s to A’s based on my feedback. Makes the job worth while.
For a particular religion or just to discuss religion? I would be interested in hosting such a community :)
Having a background of red is certainly a choice