Yeah that was how I read it, and I assume from the downvotes a lot of others too, but I guess it was a bit ambiguous. To be fair, here’s their elaboration: (Comment)
Make of that what you will.
Yeah that was how I read it, and I assume from the downvotes a lot of others too, but I guess it was a bit ambiguous. To be fair, here’s their elaboration: (Comment)
Make of that what you will.
Fair enough, I see your point now. I don’t know enough about the US side of the sanctions, or more in-depth details from any side, so I can’t say if that is wrong or right. But I do know that the wording in your earlier comment had very different implications than what you are now saying. But maybe that’s on me for not asking clarifications.
Fuck, never thought I’d agree with something like this and actually think the reasoning I give myself, to let myself agree with such obviously bad stuff, makes sense.
It’s so fucking depressing. While I don’t live in Poland, I live in a Russia-bordering country with similar stuff having been debated for a very long time, and still today, though as I understand it, we never gave up our mines in the first place, for reasons that now make perfect sense and seem good, but without hindsight never seemed good in the past and seemed simply wrong.
We do A, that’s very bad and leaves us open for attack, which doesn’t seem like such fantasy today, when Ukraine is under such an attack. But say we do B… that’s morally reprehensible and just outright bad, too.
I can’t reason about these things, because it just ends up feeling like I am abandoning my principles and some ethical standards I’ve long held… but then again I can’t rightly go against these things either, because they seem perfectly rational deterrents right now, to avoid a majorly fucked up situation down the road.
I feel like I’m losing myself as a human, as a conscious being, because the reality no longer matches the expectations I’ve had and the “rules” I’ve long maintained do exist.
But is it better to now feel like you’re betraying yourself, to potentially help defend future generations from having to lose themselves in a similar manner? Or is it better to stay true to myself and potentially help the fall of our current progressive, socially even impressive situation, after which the principles I stood so true to, are no longer even a possibility? Or does choosing the former actually lead to the increase of the chance of future looking equally bleak and unstable?
I don’t know. I don’t fucking know. And I hate it.
It’s not just US though. I think a sovereign country should have a say in who they trade with and who they do not. Thinking USA somehow holds the puppet strings was probably plausible before Trump, but right now I’m simply surprised they have managed to survive this far without collapsing completely. It’s not in any way plausible that the country led by that baffoon, doing all the things he’s doing currently, is somehow the puppet master of the western world, straight dictating who does what.
No, it’s been a choice by the EU to also join USA (or is it the other way around? I think the US propaganda machine could’ve managed to make it seem like US-led effort, but is it?) in these economical battles against an aggressor attacking a sovereign European country. And it simply makes sense, don’t need any large conspiracies to explain that. Just sensible. Europe defending Europe.
Regarding Israel though… I guess the military power of the US, no matter how much of a buffoon is ultimately at the helm, causes some to consider twice before putting on sanctions against them. But that image is largely falling apart right now, and I’d love to see Europe uniting in sanctions against Israel, too. Those disregarding others’ sovereignty and attempting to assimilate them, deserve nothing good from us or as many of others we can sway.
I mean they are the single most powerful military force in the world right now, with no one even close to equal them. It holds some weight necessarily, when they choose to do something. Or choose not to do something.
But that alone being enough to simply dictate what other nations do? I think not. And it’s becoming more and more clear to me that it probably never was like that. But they have a ridiculously large backing for soft power too. Maybe this image we have about this is purposefully build to make murica seem like such a power player. Maybe it’s all just bark, little bite? They do have the biggest set of teeth though, so if they do bite, it might hurt unless you have a lot of friends to stand with you.
That’d be perfect.
I can’t believe how hard it is to find people willing, even on a completely theoretical level, to live in a little bit more closer knit community with some shared facilities and land for common goods. Even if I say it need not be the cliche hippie commune, it can just be people living co-operatively and having just a bit more together time, simultaneously even saving some money and resources, by having shared facilities and lands. Most recognize just one thing about it. Energy and water treatment self-sufficiency seems to interest people, but not enough for them to even consider a shared community “hall” with a kitchen and room for everyone to eat, so that a every single house need not have a full, everything included kitchen. Same for bath and toilet stuff. And electricity utility rooms. Or anything, really, that isn’t your own personal and private as usual living quarters with the basic facilities so you don’t need to be social every time you need to pee or have a breakfast.
I recognize this is practically just an apartment building, but in a horizontally laid out format, I guess, with some space between the apartments for personal space even outside, and some extra niceties like an all-inclusive kitchen with a full set of tools and facilities to cook practically anything, without everyone having to buy all of that individually and also with a fraction of the cost for being shared between all. And some crops for a bit more self-sufficiency, same for electricity and water facilities.
People are fine with large apartment buildings where you can practically always hear your neighbors and have some minor shared stuff like saunas and very basic recreative rooms and the usual utilities like electricity and water and yard maintenance handled by someone else.
I feel like a close knit community — with shared spaces for stuff you don’t need 24/7 but rather only occasionally and in limited periods each day, and increased self-reliance and independence and more national-catastrophe-resistant facilities, with the understanding that some of the lots are saved for specific professionals like an electrician, farmer, animal handler, plumber, etc and require minor extra investment, shared between all, to pay for them handling the day-to-day — would win in almost all fronts against an apartment building, except maybe in that it would have to be a little more remote in location because extra land needs and need for appropriate soil for crops etc. But a commune like that could easily just have a shuttle or two and arrange co-rides even each day to the nearest town or city. Could even save on personal cars by having that.
I don’t know, I’m rambling now.
I get frustrated because I’m probably not seeing the value other see in living alone, separate from others living alone all around you. Or the proximity to more densely populated areas maybe? Or whatever it is that makes people not even consider a community such as the one described. There must be a lot of things I’m not seeing that normal people see, and it makes me so anxious that I can’t see them. But then again I’m not neurotypical. Not the first area of interest I seldom get to share with someone, anyone.