The most financially destructive edgelord Zieg Heil in history.
The most financially destructive edgelord Zieg Heil in history.
People are being cynical about the laws applying equally to Big Corps vs regular people.
If we make a special case for abolishing copyright if it means you’re training an AI model, does that mean that now everyone can download copyrighted material if they do some form of locally hosted training?
The answer will probably end up being: one rule for the corporations and another for individuals.
the federal government should embrace policy frameworks that preserve access to data for fair learning
Sounds like we’re good to download anything then as long as we get the copyright material for that purpose.
I don’t believe that is true if you’ve followed the story.
Help me O’big-balled-kenobi, you’re our only hope
I’m not trying to be a dick, but in what ways is Jellyfin vastly inferior to Plex? I haven’t used Plex before but Jellyfin does everything me and my family need from a streaming service.