Yeah, so Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were neoliberals. So, yeah, major parts of Western governments have been headed to this since I was a kid.
Yeah, so Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were neoliberals. So, yeah, major parts of Western governments have been headed to this since I was a kid.
Since folks like me don’t know what neoliberal is, from the Wikipedia page on this subject:
Neoliberalism is often associated with a set of economic liberalizationpolicies, including privatization, deregulation, depoliticisation, consumer choice, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending.
When I did my first play thru on Xbox 360, and I realized there was no levitation or jumping spells – I can still recall the disappointment. That simple thing was enough for me to not like it as much.
However, going into portals sickened and scared me. I never got over it before I moved on to Skyrim.