It’s like every single decision that this regime makes is guaranteed to be the most evil, sociopathic option.
It’s like every single decision that this regime makes is guaranteed to be the most evil, sociopathic option.
Thanks! I heard about lemmy in Reddit comments, during discussions of frustration with Reddit.
So, going forward, hopefully Reddit comments that mention lemmy won’t get banned lol.
Sure, it’s secure-ish.
But these types of conversations aren’t supposed to happen via texts that will disappear in 7 days.
Presidential records are supposed to be recorded. Journalists are unable to make FOIA requests if no records are kept. Even if a FOIA request would be denied now, the records should still be kept for possible declassification decades from now.
This regime dangerously eschews transparency and has become a dark hole.
It’s like the meme of that guy tapping his forehead: “you can’t request records if there are no records”.
Yeah it’s called “full movies on YouTube”.
You can also just make your own washer fluid. Look up a recipe online.
It’s something like combining water, a bit of rubbing alcohol, and a little dish soap. Super cheap and eco friendly.
Yeah. And how are journalists supposed to make FOIA requests on what this regime is up to, when their conversations are permanently deleted after 7 days?
Reddit has far more niche communities. There’s the saying that “there’s a subreddit for everything.”
What do you think the trajectory/timeline looks like for lemmy to develop a more robust array of niche communities (aka niche subreddits)?
I miss what Reddit used to be, before it became overrun with shills, bots, dumbass moderators, and corporate policies that stifle free speech.
Some people are dumb and carry it in their wallet.
Trump also openly said that Elon has access to manipulating voting machines.
You sweet summer child.
Trump openly stated that Elon knows how to use voting machines to their benefit.
Trump openly stated that we won’t need to have elections any longer.
Your vote no longer matters. Oversight about voting has been dismantled.
The trump regime is incompetent, evil, and rotten to the core.
The trump regime, and now by extension the US, is rotten and evil to the core.
Sooo Pete didn’t do it, but trump also says that Pete learned his lesson?
US is a joke. A very dangerous joke.
I would be proud to serve on a jury about Tesla vandalism.
Can vandalism be proven? Yes. Do I consider it an act of terrorism? No.
Therefore, I’d vote not guilty.
The US and its current regime are a threat to the future of humanity and society.
Trump no longer needs any voter approval.
There will be no more elections, or the elections will be falsified Russia-style.
It’s game over in the US. The US is in the late stages of capitalism, falling like the Roman Empire.
Doesn’t this just refer to orphaned children receiving social security survivor benefits?
Elon is profoundly cruel and rotten to his core.
No, trump pretty much preaches about his peaceful violence and loving insurrection.
This just in: wearing noise canceling headphones to a protest is now illegal.