They would be crazy to give it up for free
They already released 33 of them, and had about 2000 prisoners released by Israel. Are you going to say “we need to still keep the remaining ones to make Israel release 2000 more” or are you going to say “the bombing casualties are big but they are less than 2000 so let’s still keep the hostages”, or I dunno, maybe “those prisoners are more valuable than hostages and any possible casualties”?
Israelis are protesting to get their prisoners back, not because they want to end the genocide and care about Palestinians. Plenty if polls have proven this.
Are prisoners supposed to fix that or what? What is the scenario where hostages are going to help in stopping the bombings, if they are not released? Israeli protests are going to make them stop? And after that, the protests will also stop? But the prisoners would still be there, right?
What about the rest of the protesters around the world? Do you not consider the possibility of those protesters to increase in numbers if there would be no hostages?
As much as I want to understand the point, I don’t see how the remaining hostages are going to benefit Gaza. There are not enough of them. They are not worth it.
The OP image should have also highlighted the second paragraph.
Releasing about 2000 people for 33 hostages is more than acceptable. Keeping remaining ~50 at this point is strange. “Keep bombing us, killing hundreds, but we will not release your 50 people (out of which you think only half are alive), we need you to… release more of our people” or what?
You are going to just accept it as is, wait until bombings will wipe out all of Gaza, but still tell how those 50 hostages are important for some bargaining?
Whatever they could theoretically gain for those remaining hostages (if they wanted that) is not worth the risk of further bombings. If anything, they waste resources on keeping them alive (if they really do that).
This is the part about Trump. https://archive.md/lkD5b
According to this, Hamas rejected proposition by Israel on march 1. Which then triggered Israel. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-gaza-ceasefire-talks-1.7472338