Lots of trade schools are charging 10-20k/year and expecting 2 years of you…trades are great but we’re using student loans for them too depending on where you are*
*large cities tend to have better cheaper options like community college and there at least was some small federal schools that didn’t require loans. But not all areas have equal coverage here and you often get price gouged if you aren’t from that very specific city/town the community college is in. Tl;dr hopefully you live in an area with good resources which is not even remotely guaranteed.
Lots of trade schools are charging 10-20k/year and expecting 2 years of you…trades are great but we’re using student loans for them too depending on where you are*
*large cities tend to have better cheaper options like community college and there at least was some small federal schools that didn’t require loans. But not all areas have equal coverage here and you often get price gouged if you aren’t from that very specific city/town the community college is in. Tl;dr hopefully you live in an area with good resources which is not even remotely guaranteed.