What was funny the other day is that I opened Safari and my iPad asked me if I’d like to use another browser and then it showed me a list. So I picked Ecosia.
What was funny the other day is that I opened Safari and my iPad asked me if I’d like to use another browser and then it showed me a list. So I picked Ecosia.
And their packing tape snaps. I’m packing removal boxes and the boxes keep popping open because the stupid tape breaks constantly at the corners.
Nope. Paradox of tolerance.
I love OSMand. It does exactly what a map should do. It doesn’t have these weird user unfriendly quirks that Here and Google Maps have that make them harder to use.
I just have one problem with it, it gives some directions via notifications instead of voice, for some reason, which is baaaad when you’re driving.
Expensive and dull. 220 for a plain t-shirt?!
If I never see a post about Coca Cola alternatives again it will be too soon. Why are all y’all so freaking obsessed?!
Learn history. Look up the lectures by Sarah Paine.
These platforms are literally the reason why the US has a fascist as president.
The slippery slope argument is such bullshit. The reason the Nazis got to power is because of the slippery slope argument. The reason Mussolini got into power is because of the slippery slope argument. Fascism should not be acceptable. End of story.
Learn history.
Banning fascists instead of accomodating them is absolutely the right thing to do. It’s accommodating them that got us into this mess.
“Being cheaper than VW” is a pretty good league.
Only 525% to go.
20,000 is really fucking expensive.
Malongo (France) and Grunwerg (UK). It’s not called a French press in Europe, it’s a cafetière.
It’s a cafetière. Funnily enough, French press is the American name for it. I have no idea why OP is calling it by its American name.
I’m looking at the reviews and they’re not good. Apparently tracks just disappear from one day to the next, searching doesn’t work, bad UI, hi res downloads often don’t work, cancellations are being ignored, etc.
Racism exists everywhere, but the States are a special kind of racist.
A “social workplace” is a place where people with special needs can get work, in case anyone is wondering.