Jägermeister was invented as a remedy against cold. But it turned out to be a cure for dignity.
Jägermeister was invented as a remedy against cold. But it turned out to be a cure for dignity.
You get notified and can opt-out of the update in the Shutdown dialog, at least with Gnome.
This is not new. Other distro have this too. In Gnome you will have a tick box in the Shutdown/reboot dialogue and you can opt-out of this offline update. If you update yourself with package manager, you will not need to go through the offline update.
Personally, I like it. It’s predictable, reboots once, updates, shuts off. Unlike Windows which will update, reboot, Update some more, get stuck for 30 minutes, reboot another time, finishing the updates and finally shuts down. And if you have encrypted (bitlocker or such) you have to attend the whole process and miss your fucking train and stay in the office 30 minutes more because of this BS. Sorry, I got carried away a little bit.
Function over form, I suppose. I am pretty sure it’s mostly made of titanium and silicone.
It does seems like that sometimes tho, that surgeons are the mechanics of the human body, fixing you up in the most crude ways, as long as it gets the job done.
I picked up SIGNALIS on sales yesterday. Its a game from 2022, made in graphics of early 3D PS1 style, played 4 hours, it’s pretty good so far :)