Why don’t you join the fun instead? Gimmie a pizza suggestion instead of this weak lambasting.
Why don’t you join the fun instead? Gimmie a pizza suggestion instead of this weak lambasting.
That combo isn’t the appeal, it’s the curry that gets enhanced by the banana. Those two with tomato sauce and the salty peanuts are great.
Can’t say that i’ve ever tried it without cheese, so i wouldn’t even know if it was worse or not.
The combo of cheese-meat-curry-peanuts-tomato of course works without any fruit added.
Fucking delicious.
I completely turned around on these recently. Most also mix in pineapple.
If we’re talking pizzas that haven’t been made, but probably should.
Ham and apple. The apple should be added cold after the pizza is taken out from the oven. Never seen it done, but it should work.
Cuba Cola from Sweden
Plättar are much smaller in area. Even smaller than American pancakes.