So basically, the choice is to spend 12 weeks with those idiots or with your baby? Seems like a no brainer to me.
So basically, the choice is to spend 12 weeks with those idiots or with your baby? Seems like a no brainer to me.
The persecution of DIEM25 by German authorities is becoming pretty systematic at this point. All for legitimate Palestine solidarity work. There is a pattern here.
EU/Canadian dual citizen here: full membership doesn’t make sense. Deeper integration to the point of having a customs union would probably be quite reasonable. I’m not sure about free movement of people however because the two parties have different attitudes to immigration. Canada cherishes immigration and cultural diversity, and considers it to be a defining national characteristic. Multiculturalism is quite literally baked in our constitution. European attitudes on the other hand, let’s just say, I don’t miss them. Beyond that, I don’t think Canada needs the Euro (and the stability pact straightjacket) any more than it needs the USD.
Arguing for the appropriation of billionaires’ assets is not violence.